Thursday, November 5, 2009

All of them.......

For thousands and thousands of years, most men and women lived lives of true desperation. Most lived on just a few square yards of earth, scraping at it from first light to dark, wringing a poor sustenance from the reluctant dirt that more often than not was then stolen from them by the stronger, the better armed. Most people lived and died within a few miles from their birthplace, never seeing what was over the nearest hill.... and most lived lives that could be best described as wretched......

Think about them the next time you swing your leg over your truly marvelous motorcycle, think of them as you change your horizons effortlessly, seeing wonders that none of them ever dreamed of, think of them when you stop at a clean, bright restaurant and imbibe enough calories in an hour that would have kept them alive for a week......

All my rides are haunted... haunted by those who came before, upon whose blood and sweat and labor and misery are my joys based.... in some way, I try and ride for all of them...all of them.

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