Monday, December 16, 2013

The Whispered Addiction.....

It's impossible to motorcycle seriously and for very long without becoming more spiritual.....   Every aspect of the earth is presented to you on a private tableau of sight, sound, and sensation --  a blue mountain horizon drawing inexorably closer, the darting and soaring of birds, the changing of light in trees and upon water, the sensation of wind moving upon you like a woman's hand.....  the earth in all it's glory ever presents itself like a wanton dancer to you, and everywhere in the rushing of the wind is the whispered promise, "yes, you are of me, you are me......feast, and rejoice!"  Once you are addicted to this promise, you can no more refuse to ride than you can refuse to breathe...  And the speed acts upon your soul like a rich sauce: knowing that you are at all times in mortal danger, that you could lose everything in less than a heartbeat, makes you an extremely grateful, extremely thankful, extremely religious, yes, religious....rider.    I'm so glad I ride.....