Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I don't own a house on a hill, but I've climbed many a hill, and slept upon some in a whispering tent, among the flowers and the stars.... I don't own a Porsche or Aston-Martin sports car, but I've rambled through high mountain ranges on a powerful motorcycle, the thrum of its engine in tune with the rushing of blood in my veins....I don't live in a mansion, but I have lived for a near lifetime in a small house warmed by a woman's love, a house that has rung for years with laughter.... and I don't sit on corporate boards of high power or prestige, but I've seen the joy in a child's face over something I've done, and I've had young mothers bring their babies to me, just so I could see them....

Yeah, I've made compromises in life, not a damn one of which I've ever regretted....ever.....