Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Agent of Excitement

In developed nations, where every human survival need is met, the greatest danger to human beings is boredom, or the feeling that life is agonizingly predictable and humdrum and meaningless -- and most people will go to great lengths in putting excitement back into their cubicle-bound lives. As an "Agent of Excitement," the motorcycle is unsurpassed -- relatively cheap and available to nearly everyone, motorcycles are an instant cure to the Humdrum Blues. Almost every population center in the developed world is surrounded by a rabbit's warren of paved and unpaved roads. If you have a motorcycle and an hour for lunch, you can report back to your cubicle with your heart trip-hammering, every nerve reborn and alive, looking eagerly ahead to the ride home.... if you have a motorcycle and a week, you can cross a continent, with all of the suspense and drama and uncertainty of such an endeavor....and if you have a motorcycle and more days than a week, well........

That is why motorcycle companies very seldom if ever put up advertising that mentions the utility or the inherent economy of motorcycles -- not in the developed world, anyway. Marketers of motorcycles sell the machines by talking about its ability to put romance and adventure in your life... which a motorcycle can do better than almost anything else, and which most people today need more than almost anything else. The popular iconic and universally recognized sticker, "Live To Ride, Ride To Live," strikes a chord in just about everyone suffocating and suffering in a cubicle today....

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